About Me
Hi! My name is Vineeth Nareddy and I'm currently a undergraduate student at Georgia Tech who is majoring in CS, with concentrations in Intelligence and Information-Internetworks. I grew up in central MA and graduated from the Advanced Math & Science Academy (AMSA) Charter School in June 2022. I'm currently a junior and plan to graduate in December 2025 with a bachelors degree in CS. I am also a part of Georgia Tech's BS/MS CS program and plan to get my masters in CS with a concentration in ML in December 2026.

Student at Georgia Tech
I'm currently looking for an internship and co-op opportunities, especially those that will help me develop as a software engineer. I'm interested in studying and researching more about machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence and how they can positively impact the world. If you want to message me, please contact me through email!
- Year: 3rd Year
- Personal Email: nareddyvineeth@gmail.com
Work Experience
AI Makerspace VIP Team Researcher
I am currently a member of the AI Makerspace VIP team of Georgia Tech's Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Program. As part of this team, I am working with several other team members to develop applications Georgia Tech students can use for educational purposes, like studying for exams. During last semester, I worked with 2 other teammates to create the front-end of StudyBuddy, an application students can use to understand the content their professors cover in each lecture given the professor's lecture notes.
Knack Tutor
Through Knack, I help my fellow peers by mentoring them in specific topics in courses like CS 3600 (Intro to AI) and CS 2110 (Computer Organization & Programming). For example, I helped a student taking CS 2110 understand how the LC-3 datapath works when a set of instructions need to be executed. I am enjoyed to be in this role knowing of the positive impact I make on my students' lives and the Georgia Tech community! Given my interest in education technology, this role is great for me as I can experiment with different technologies I use to help student learn and measure how they interact with it.
High Performance Computing Researcher
Over Summer 2024, I worked with researchers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the Pacific Northwest National Labratory to evaluate experimental findings in the area of profilers. As part of my role, I collaborated with the researchers and other peers to understand and present the main ideas found in HPC-related research papers. I also helped guide the team to specific areas they could further look into for research, such as Operational Data Analytics (ODA) Systems.
Future Masters Chess Academy Coach
While I was a HPC researcher over Summer 2024, I also worked as a chess coach at Future Masters Chess Academy. During my time, I helped over a dozen students to improve their fundamental understandings of chess and calculation accuracy. I noticed the rapid development of some of my students as they showed up weekly to my lessons and were able to better evaluate example positions I show over time.
Middle School Math Team Mentor
During my time in high school, I volunteered to help our school's middle school math team. During this two year stint, I helped students prepare for math competitions like WOCOMAL and IMLEM by leading weekly practice sessions. A couple of my students excelled in these competitions and were able to finish in the top-100 for both of the aforementioned competitions.
Summer Chess Coach
Over Summer 2021, I worked with a student one-on-one that was a beginner to the game of chess. As a coach, I refined my student's abilities in each of the three phases of a chess game: opening, middlegame, and endgame. By interactively coaching my student through HW problems and examples given in weekly lectures, I oversaw the success of my student as he acheived a 7th place finish in the U-1100 section in the 2021 World Open (one of the biggest chess tournaments in the US).
Last Updated December 17, 2024.
A section that focuses on the side projects I've worked on (including group projects) and my expereinces when working on creating them.
In October 2022, I went to Harvard University to compete in the HackHarvard2022 event. Because this was my first hackathon and I didn't have a team, I was a bit nervous when I walked through the entrance doors of the event, not sure of what to expect. However, the event turned out to be pretty good in general, much better to my feelings entering the event. I found three people who were also looking for teammates and we collectively formed a team. After some deliberation, we decided that our group's project was to create a website (later named "LifeScale") that would help suggest users ideas to diversify their lifes and help them track their progress over time. Over the next 36 hours, our team coded and planned out the features our website would contain, while creating a business model to show to judges how our website could be profitable. In this period, I got to learn more about webdesigning and creating plans from small ideas to improve the users experience with our website. Even though the HackHarvard2022 event was a short one, it helped encourage me to start to become an entrepreneur and to further explore my ideas and turn them into projects.